Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Reading: Lord of the Flies: Ralph

Paragraph One

  • "'We nay stay here till we die." With that word, the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence."' (pg 14) This spurs  Ralph to action, he realizes that they must take action so that they don't stay there until they die. He has that child like hope of being rescued. 
  • Although he is voted leader, he sort of takes the position before the election. 
  • Focused on Rescue rather than surviving on the island. 
  • Ralph has to be reminded that he is the leader; it appears that he is only in this position when something is going terribly  (when fire goes out, shelter isn't being built)
  • Ralph keeps an innocent, hopeful outlook on life until Simon is murdered in chapter nine. 
  • Ralph loses all hope of returning to civilization when the conch shatters in chapter 11. The conch shatters when Piggy is murdered. 
  • Ralph acknowledges that Piggy is the brains of the operation but he does not want to admit it to himself or others. (He puts it out of his mind) "I can't think, at least not like Piggy can." (78) 
    • When Piggy is murdered and the conch is shattered he loses his hope in HIS ability to get them civilized or to get them back to civilization. "The rock struck Piggy with a glancing blow from chin to knee, the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." (181) 
  • After they murder Simon (which  Ralph participated in) Ralph talks to Piggy about the murder. He mentions how Piggy was never a part of it he was always outside of the circle. 
    • equates adulthood with knowledge

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