Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lord of the Flies: Chapters 4 and 5

Hey everyone, I found this amazing quote today from  E.L. Epstein on Lord of the Flies and though you would really enjoy it. "...the boys of the island are figures in a parable or fable which like all great parables or fables reveals to the reader an intimate, disquieting connection between the innocent, time-passing, story-telling aspect of its surface and the great, "dimly appreciated" depths of it's interior." 
This quote truly describes Lord of the Flies, William Golding holds up a mirror to humanity; and questions what we would do in this wretched situation.
 Now, let us  do a quick recap and then get started with today's reading!

  • Ralph has the magic conch.
  • Ralph is elected leader even though Jack was the obvious choice. This was because Ralph possesses the magic conch. 
  • Ralph, Simon, and Jack go on an 'adventure' to the top of the mountain to confirm the island is actually an island.
  • Ralph rules by giving people hope on being rescued. 
  • The little boy with the birth mark goes missing, and some people begin to wonder if the creature he mentioned was real. 
  • Ralph and Jack argue over each others jobs not getting done: Which is more important, food or shelter? 
Chapter Four: 
  • The little children spend most of their day on the beach, just playing, leaving the older children alone to work. When two of the older children are released from duty they run over one of the sand castles the "littluns" have completed, causing sand to fly into one of their eyes. He remarks that he would have been fussed at  for kicking sand in a child's eye, but there was no adult to do it. Yet he still feels some sort of uneasiness. 
  • Jack covers his face in different colors, using charcoal to make marks, he notes that his laugh became "bloodthirsty" and "snarling". (64) 

  • Ralph sees smoke on the horizon and rushes back to camp only to find that the fire is out. Suddenly, Jack and  the group of "littleuns" return. Their faces covered in clay, they stand there chanting "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." (69) 
  • "I was chief, and you were going to do what I said..." (70)
  • "He meant to refuse the meat...He accepted a piece of half-raw meat and gnawed on it like a wolf." (73) Ralph tried to resist eating the meat, in order to show his anger, but his hunger won.
  • (personal opinion) Ralph isn't a very good leader. He lets Jack mistreat Piggy and sometimes even joins in on it. 
  • Ralph stays calm as the boys 'lose it' around the fire and begin dancing and signing. He calls an assembly. 
Chapter Five: 
  • Ralph is walking along the beach and he finds himself immersed in "complex" thoughts. He thinks of how "every path was an improvisation" and how most of the life was "watching one's feet". 
  • "Thought was a valuable thing that got results" (78)
  • "To ralph, seated, this seemed the breaking up of sanity." (88)
This post will be continued!

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